Tuesday, January 30, 2007

So time for something new. It's been forever.

I find myself going on psychotic rants more and more as time passes. But honestly, people are just stupid. I hate them all.

We have a snow day today, about which, I am unbelievably excited. No school=video games all day! Also, I was supposed to have a test today, so the snow day is like super squee.

I finally found this song I've been looking for forever. And just in case any of you are looking, the best p2p sharing network ever is limewire.

Yesterday, Mr. Flaglor gave me the opportunity to teach our second chair flutes some things about their music, and if indeed they play it well, I'm hoping he will understand that I would be a good field commander. I really really want that dress and those little boots so bad.(and wouldn't I just be so cute in it?)

Solo and ensemble is coming up pretty soon, I think we'll do well, because Ryan Chelsea and I rock. We also have a jazz band dinner/dance on the same night (17th), so if anyone is interested in tickets, it's 15 dollars in advance if you plan to eat the meal. If you'd just like to attend, you can pay at the door, and I believe the cost is somewhere around five dollars.

Haven't missed a day of school yet this semester, and I'm hoping to be able to exempt my Algebra 2 exam. I like math, I just don't like math tests. :]

All in all, life is going pretty well.

And I'll try and update more. I swear. :]

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Life.... blech

I took a World History exam today....I believe I did alright.... Maybe a high B...woot woot

English tomorrow. Should be fine. At least I hope so....

Haven't talked to the boyfriend all day... kind of depressing....

School sucks.

My hair sucks too.

I need my license right now. Too bad my mom is too lazy and psycho to let me drive anywhere.

She's also never going to kick my brother out of the house. She was supposed to today, but instead, she's gonna let him stay here, but sleep on the couch. I'm contemplating getting her a backbone for her birthday.

And my sister is just an idiot. Plain and simple.

Somebody please rescue me from these people.

I've just realized that this post has a very negative theme to it, so I'm just gonna stop typing.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

So today was like wonderful.

I woke up late :]

I spent the day with my signifcant other :D

And no fights yet today

I'm just incredibly content

Thought you ought to know

Goodnight bloggers :)